İÇİNDEKİLERContentsForeword .......................................3 Key activities in 2012 .........................7 1. Collecting and analysing information ........7 The European Risk Observatory ..................7 Working Environment information ................9 2. Communication,campaigningandpromotion .......13 3. Networking and coordination .................21 4. Administrativeactivities ....................25 Annexes ......................................30 1. Overview of howthe Agencyand its partners operate.. 31 2. Membership of the Governing Board ...........33 3. Organisation chart of the Agency .............37 4. Agency staff ................................38 5. Focal points ................................40 6. Overview offocal pointnet work activities ......46 7. Ofhcial campaign partners 2012 ...............48 8. Topic centre .................................51 - 9. Progress towards achieving main objectives ..53 10. Publications 2012 ..........................56 11. Finance 2011/12 ............................60 12. Board assessment and analysis of the Authorising Ofhcer's Annual ................................70 Activity Report for thehnancial year 2012 .......61 |