Mortality of the elderly in late 19th and early 20th century Finland

Kitap : Mortality of the elderly in late 19th and early 20th century Finland

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Politika

Yayın Yeri : Helsinki / Finland

ISBN : 951-47-4005-X

ISSN : 0355-2071

Yayın Tarihi : Ağustos 1990

Yayıncı : Tilastokeskus Statistik Centralen Central Statistical Office of Finland

Tür : Kitapçık

Kitap No : 663


1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. The data
2.2. The method
2.3. Cohort age and actual age
2.4. Period data
2.5. Completeness of death registration
2.6. Accuracy of age data
2.7. Migration effect
2.7.1. International migration
2.7.2. Migration balance of the provinces
2.8. Assessing the decennial population data
2.9. Estimated province populations in 1940 2.10. Applicability and constraints
3. Mortality
3.1. The problem of premature mortality of Finnish men
3.2. Development from 1878 to 1935
3.3. Regional situation in late 19th century
3.4. Reappraisal of the problem of high mortality of the elderly
3.5. Regional development after 1880
3.6. Sex differentials in the mortality of the elderly
3.7. Regional mortality differentials from 1853 to 1878
3.8. The origin of the high mortality of the middle-aged and elderly in Finland
3.9. Conclusions
Sources and references Appendix Tables