Socio-Economic Development And Fertility Decline In Turkey
İÇİNDEKİLERContents 1. THE NATIONAL SETTING 1.1 Physical and natural conditions 1.2 Historical background............. 1.3 Political organization and administrative structure .......... 1.4 Economic organization and structure of production.......... 1.5 Linkages to international economy 1.6 Relevant cultural features 1.6.1 The traditional status and roles of women 1.6.2 Value of children 1.6.3 Ethnic and religious composition of the population 2. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY AND ITS CONSEQUENCES.................................... 2.1 The pattern of development 2.2 The development and allocation of resources 2.2.1 Development of human resource 2.2.2 Development of natural resources 2.2.3 Rural/urban allocation of resource 2.3 The evolution of technology 2.4 Consequences of the development strategy 2.4.1 Levels of living, the rate and pattern of growth. 2.4.2 Structure of labour force participation 2.4.3 Patterns of ownership (agriculture, housing) . 2.4.4 Changes in factor use and rewards 2.4.5 The extent of concentration in income distribution...... 3. DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND PATTERNS, 3.1 Patterns of nuptiality and marital fertility 3.1.1 Nuptiality 3.1.2 Patterns and trends of marital fertility............ 3.2 Fertility 3.2.1 Changes in fertility before 1960 3.2.2 Developments in contraceptive use 3.2.3 Changes in fertility after 1960's 3.2.4 Recent findings on patterns and trends of fertility; assessment of the TFS .......... 3.3 Patterns and trends of mortality ............ 3.3.1 Changes in infant mortality. 3.3.2 Expectation of life 3.3.3 Trends of crude death rate 3.4 Patterns and trends of, migration 3.4.1 Internal migration 3.4.2 International migration 4. AN OVERALL ASSESSMENT OF HYPOTHESES ON THE DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT IN TURKEY 5. STUDIES ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND FERTILITY DECLINE, SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS .........3863 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. OVERVIEW A. Program Background .......................... B. Workshop Objectives and Participants .......... C. Workshop Agenda ............................... D. Working Committee Findings and Recommendations E. Participants' Summary ......................... II. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: Howard C. Taylor .............. III. COUNTRY REPORTS; Indonesia: "Indonesia Country Report," Project Staff Turkey:"Yozgat M CH/FP Project - Turkey Country Report," Project Staff.................................. Philippines: "Experiences in the Bohol MCH/FP Project," James P. Parado........................., Nigeria: "The Calabar Rural MCH/FP Project, 1975-1979," E.E. Ecoma and Eugene Weiss ................. IV. Issue #1 Papers: "HAVE THE PROJECTS FOUND AND DEMONSTRATED SOLUTIONS TO SPECIFIC MEDICAL AND LOGISTICAL PROBLEMS OF SERVICE DELIVERY?" "Solutions to Specific Medical and Logistics Problems of Service Delivery - An Overview," Mabel1e Arole ........................................ "Innovations in Health Care Delivery in Rural Areas Based on Experiences from the Calabar Rural Maternal Child Health/Family Planning Programme," E.E. Ecoma ...................................... "Medical and Logistical Problems/Solutions of Service Delivery in the Yozgat Project,Turkey," Tandogan Tokgoz ..............................."Innovations in Service Delivery in the Bohol Project," J. Malcolm Bolton, James P. Parado, Francisco S. Razalo "Innovations in Service Delivery in the Mojokerto Project: A Village Based Network," N. Sutoto, Soemartono, and E. G.P. Haran V. Issue #2 Papers: "IS the RURAL MCH SERVICE AN EFFECTIVE CONTEXT FOR DELIVERING FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES?" "Is the Public Rural Health Service an Effective Context for Delivering Family Planning Services?" Allan Rosenfield and William Van Wie ........................... "Effectiveness of Family Planning Services Delivery in the Context of Rural Health Services," Mithat Coruh ...................................... "Information on the Health and Family Planning Context in Mojokerto," S. Sumantri, Seomartono, E.G.P. Haran ......., "The Calabar Rural MCH/FP Project, 1975-1979: What We Have Learned About Family Planning," A.A. Udo and Eugene Weiss ....................... VI. Issue #3 Papers: "HAVE THE EVALUATION PROCEDURES PROJECTS PROVIDED SUFFICIENT INFORMATION ON THE POPULATION AND HEALTH STATUS OF MOTHERS AND CHILDREN BEFORE AND DURING THE QUANTITY, DISTRIBUTION, AND QUALITY OF SERVICES?" "Measurement and Evaluation Issues in MCH/FP Delivery Systems," Robert J. Lapham ............................................. "Utilizing Research to Manage A Family Planning Project," Nancy E. Wi11iamson .........................................., "Family Planning Program in Mojokerto: An Integrated Approach," Pangestu Hadi, Soebekti,and Sutoto ......."Fertility and Mortality in Yozgat, Turkey 1976-1977," Sevinc Kavadarli "Improving the Quantity and Quality of Information Generated by Service Facilities for Use in Program Evaluation and Management," Godwin A. Udofia VII. Issue #4 Papers: "HOU HAVE THE PROJECTS INCORPORATED THE NEEDS. "PREFERENCES, AND PERSPECTIVES OF INDIVIDUAL CONTRACEPTIVE USERS AND POTENTIAL USERS INFO ASPECTS OF THEIR DELIVERY PROGRAMS?" "Integrating the User Perspective into Service and Evaluation Designs," Margaret McEvoy ................................................, "Family Planning in Bohol: A Response to Local Preferences," Eulalio G. Maturan ............................................., "Consumer Perspective in Family Planning, Mojokerto, East Java," Pangestu Hadi VIII. Issue #5 Papers: "HOW HAVE THESE PROJECTS HELPED TO INFORM NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY IN EACH COUNTRY?" "The Relevance and Impact of Projects in Informing National Health Policy in the Context of Maternal and Child Health Care," Somboon Vachrotai "The Bohol Project: Its Relevance to the National Health and Family Planning Programs," Antonio N. Acosta ............................... "The Relevance of the Calabar Rural Maternal and Child Health/Family Planning Project to National and State Health Policies and Programmes," Edet U.U. Nya .................................. "The Relevance of the Mojokerto MCH/Family Planning Project to National Policies and Programs," Soebekti, Seomartono, and E.G.P. Haran ............ IX. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ![]() ![]() ![]() |