Population Crisis
İÇİNDEKİLERTABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Introduction PART I: HEARINGS OF 1965 Committee members and staff (June 1965) Opening statement of the chairman Testimony of: U. S. Rep. Paul H. Todd U. S. Rep. Morris K. Udall Figure 1: Estimates of World Population From 1900 Figu re 2:Decline in Death Rates Testimony of:U. S. Senator Joseph S. Clark U. S. Senator Frank E. Moss U. S. Rep. D. R. Matthews U. S. Senator Ralph W. Yarborough Dr. Frederick Seitz, President, National Academy of Sciences U. S. Senator Joseph D. Tydings U. S. Rep. James H. Scheuer Robert C. Cook, President, Population Reference Bureau Figure 3 :Growth of Human Numbers Testimony of: Gen. William H. Draper, Jr., Vice Chairman, World Population-Planned Parenthood Dr. George Kistiakowsky, former Science Adviser to President Eisenhower John Rock, M.D., gynecologist and author (July 1965) Testimony of:Dr. Alberto Lleras Camargo, former President, Republic of Colombia Ben H. Bagdikian, author Hon. Kenneth B. Keating, National Chairman, Popula- tion Crisis Committee Hon. John B. Martin, State Chairman, Republican Party of Michigan George J. Hecht, Publisher, Parents Magazine U. S. Rep. John Conyers, Jr. Hon. Chester Bowles, U. S. Ambassador to India John D. Rockefeller, III, Chairman of the Board, Popu- lation Council Dr. Frank W. Notestein, President, Population Council Dr. Joseph L. Fisher, President, Resources for the Future Testimony of: Hon. Stewart L. Udall, Secretary of the Interior U. S. Senator Peter H. Dominick Alan F. Guttmacher, M.D., President, Planned Parenthood-World Population Dr. Ernest M. Solomon, Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism Hon. Walter N. Tobriner, President, Board of Commissioners, District of Columbia Mrs. Fred A. Schumacher, Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Association of Metropolitan Washington Robert B. Nelson, M.D., Medical Director, Planned Parenthood Association of Metropolitan Washington Andre Hellegers, M.D., Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Hospital Hon. Marriner Eccles, former Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Ernest L. Stebbins, M.D., Dean, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University Leslie J. Corsa, M.D., Director, Center for Population Planning, University of Michigan Rev. Dexter L. Hanley, S. J., Georgetown University Law Center Mrs. Birgitta Linner, author, family counselor, teacher and adviser to the Swedish government William B. Ball, General Counsel, Pennsylvania Catholic Conference U. S. Sen. Milward L. Simpson Dr. Mary S. Calderone, Executive Director, Sex Information and Education Council of the U. S. Henry P. Caulfield, Director, Resources Program Staff, U. S. Department of the Interior James V. Bennett, former Director, U. S. Bureau of Prisons Dr. Virgil M. Rogers, National Education Association Figure 4: Crime and Population (September 1965) Testimony of: Clifford C. Nelson, President, The American Assembly U. S. Rep. John Brademas Harold O. Swank, Director, Illinois Public Aid Commission Wallace H. Kuralt, Director, Department of Public Welfare, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Dr. Oscar Harkavy, Director, Population Program, Ford Foundation Dr. Bernard Berelson, Vice President, Population Council Dr. Irene Taeuber, Senior Research Demographer, Princeton University Jack Lippes, M.D., gynecologist and contraception specialist, State University of New York Medical School at Buffalo PART II : HEARINGS OF 1966 Committee members and staff (January 1966) Opening statement of the chairman Testimony of: Dr. Edward L. Tatum, biologist and Nobel Laureate Dr. Dickinson W. Richards, M.D. and Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, M.D. and Nobel Laureate Letter of: Dr. Konrad Bloch, chemist and Nobel Laureate Dr. Fritz Lipmann, biochemist and Nobel Laureate Testimony of : Dr. Polykarp Kusch, physicist and Nobel Laureate Dr. Philip M. Hauser, Director, Population Research and Training Center Letter of: Raymond T. Holden, M.D,Chairman, Committee on Human Reproduction, American Medical Association Testimony of: Mrs. E. T. Chanlett, U. S. Delegate, Inter-American Commission of Women Luigi Mastroianni, M.D., Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Dr. Roger L. Shinn, Union Theological Seminary (February 1966) Testimony of: William E. Moran, Jr., Dean School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University Mrs. Theodore F. Wallace, Vice President, National Council of Churches of Christ James MacCracken, Church World Service, National Council of Churches Dr. Raymond Ewell, Vice President for Research, State University of New York Richard W. Reuter, Director, Food For Peace Edwin L. Harper, Guest Scholar, Brookings Institution (March 1966) Testimony of: Dr. Donald Barrett, professor of sociology, University of Notre Dame, and Member, Papal Commisigion on Population and Birth Control Dr. Andre J. Bethune, author and professor of chemistry, Boston College Mrs. Andre J. Bethune, wife and mother Prof. Albert P. Blaustein, professor of law, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Hon. Orville L. Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture Ernst Michanek, Director General, Swedish International Development Authority Ulf Borell, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology, and adviser to the Swedish International Development Authority (Comments of Carl Wahren, SIDA) U. S. Rep. Robert B. Duncan Arthur M. Watkins, engineer and writer Kermit E. Krantz, Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Kansas Medical Center Dr. Leonard J. Duhl, urban affairs consultant, U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Affairs; and Dr. Donald N. Michael, social psychologist, Institute for Policy Studies (April 1966) Testimony of: Arnold Maremont, President, Maremont Corporation Joseph P. Martin, Chairman of the Board, Bell Center Birth Control Clinic, Cleveland Dr. William Vogt, Secretary, Conservation Foundation State Rep. John R. Bermingham, Denver, Colorado Stephen Plank, M.D., Harvard University School of Public Health Hon. John W. Gardner, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Phillip R. Lee, M.D., Assistant Secretary of HEW William H. Stewart, M.D., Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service Dr. Arthur Lesser, Deputy Chief, Children's Bureau Hon. David Bell, Administrator, Agency for International Development Hon. Thomas C. Mann, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (June 1966) Statement of the chairman on results of hearings Testimony of: Mrs. Mary Anne Rennolds, Virginia League of Planned Parenthood; and Mrs. James Robinson, mother of nine children Excerpts from: "The Negro Response to Birth Control," Hannah Lees, The Reporter, May 19, 1966 Testimony of: Otto Hakon Ravenholt, Chief Health Officer, Clark County District, Las Vegas, Nevada William A. Lynch, M.D., gynecologist, author, and Catholic layman Frank J. Ayd, Jr., M.D., psychiatrist, lecturer and author 1970 World Population Date Sheet PART III: HEARINGS OF 1967-68 Committee members and staff (November 1967) Testimony of: U. S. Senator Joseph D. Tydings U. S. Rep. James H. Scheuer U. S. Rep. George Bush Philip R. Lee, M.D., Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Mrs. Katherine B. Oettinger, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Family Planning and Population, DHEW Gerald LaVeck, M.D., Director, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Joseph T. English, M.D., Assistant Director for Health Affairs, Office of Economic Opportunity Gary London, M.D. Chief, Family Planning Services, OEO (January 1968) Testimony of: Dr. James A. Shannon, Director, National Institutes of Health Walsh McDermott, M.D., professor of public health, Cornell University Medical College Ivan L. Bennett, Jr., M.D. Deputy Director, Office of Science and Technology, Executive Office of the President Dr. Forrest E. Linder, professor of biostatistics, University of North Carolina Figure 5: Estimates of Present and Projected Birth and Death Rates Testimony of: Dr. Philip M. Hauser, University of Chicago (February 1968) Testimony of: Hon. William S. Gaud, Administrator, Agency for International Development Herbert J. Waters, Assistant Administrator for War on Hunger, AID Maurice J. Williams, Assistant Administrator for Near East and South Asia, AID R. T. Ravenholt, M.D., Director of Population Service, AID Statement of: Hon. Dean Rusk, U. S. Secretary of State Testimony of: Philander P. Claxton, Jr., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Population Matters Brent Ashabranner, Deputy Director, Peace Corps Concluding statement of the chairman APPENDIX GENERAL INDEX INDEX OF PERSONS INDEX OF ARTICLES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ![]() ![]() ![]() |