World Health Forum An International Journal of Heallth Development
İÇİNDEKİLERROUND TABLEThe traditional birth attendant and the law Margaret Owen Discussion: Gatba Araujo; J. K. Harfoucbe; Elton Kessel; Vijay Kumar; Elizabeth Leedam; Belmont Williams PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Primary health care in Papua New Guinea Martin To Vadek Health care in Samoa LJo Lavea Kazakhstan: reaching people in isolated places Petr Petrovic Petrov IN FOCUS The special care of the dying Rosette Po/etti READERS' FORUM William K. Brieger, E. Aderonke Olumide, & Oladele O. Kale; Anne Savage; Sister Francine Le Gall; Hans Cbr. Berresen HEALTH SYSTEMS Health systems research: how can it be used? Carl E. Taylor Health systems research: what does it accomplish? B. T. Williams Occupational health in developing countries: a simple case of neglect W. O. Phoon EDUCATION A practical way to train epidemiologists A. D. ,Brandling-Bennett, Sujartijatanasen, WichitMaturosapas, PrayuraKunasol & Philip S. Rrachman Developing countries should train graduates in public health and community medicine SidneyL. Kark Schools without walls: Brazil's new plan for training health personnel Gladstone Rodrigues da Cunha Filbo NEW TRENDS IN HEALTH Vaccines: the way ahead G. C. Schild & F. Assaad DEVELOPMENT Are community biogas plants a feasible proposition? Rajiv Gupta Getting at the roots of ill-health in children Tim Martineau PEOPLE AND HEALTH Health is not the villager's chief priority Sevagram Medico Friend Circle HEALTH PLANNING A new look at health information Kerr L. White Crash manpower planning B. E. Gonzilez, L. E. Gonztlez, & A. Levine |