Knowledge for Development

Kitap : Knowledge for Development

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sosyal Politika

Yayın Yeri : New York

ISBN : 0-19-521119-7

ISSN : 0163-5085

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 1999

Yayıncı : Oxford University press

Tür : Rapor

Kitap No : 2100


1 The Power and Reach of Knowledge
2 Acquiring Knowledge
3 Absorbing Knowledge
4 Communicating Knowledge
5 Information, Institutions, and Incentives
6 Processing the Economy's Financial Information
7 Increasing Our Knowledge of the Environment
8 Addressing Information Problems That Hurt the Poor
9 What Can International Institutions Do?
10 What Should Governments Do?
Technical Note
Bibliographical Note
Appendix: International Statistics on Knowledge
1.1 Institutional innovations to diffuse health knowledge in Costa Rica
1.2 Knowledge in the East Asian miracle-an ongoing debate
1.3 Growing faster with knowledge.

2.1 ISO 9000: Signaling quality and improving productivity.
2.2 How to attract technical knowledge through trade and foreign investment-and how not to
2.3 Korea: The success of a strong interventionist state
2.4 TRIPs in a nutshell
2.5 IPRs, investment, and technology transfer.
2.6 Providing local compensation when bioprospecting strikes gold
2.7 Changing the way Brazil does research
2.8 Building a better bean: How women farmers in Colombia and Rwanda outdid the researches
2.9 Why better biomass stoves sold in Rwanda
3.1 Raising the potential for children to learn
3.2 Mathematics, science, and engineering studies may spur growth
3.3 Korea's heavy investment in human capital
3.4 Grading the teachers: Varying perceptions of school quality in Vietnam
3.5 From providing training to providing information
3.6 Income-contingent loans for tertiary education in Australia and New Zealand
3.7 The African Virtual University
4.1 From the transistor to the integrated digital network
4.2 How information technology helped control river blindness
4.3 How Singapore became the world's most efficient port
4.4 Teleconferencing to raise awareness of the year 2000 problem
4.5 Telecommunications liberalization receives a global push.
4.6 Pressure to reform accounting rates for international calls
4.7 Competition before privatization in Ghana's telecommunications services
5.1 Addressing information failures in India's milk market
5.2 The credit market in Chambar, Pakistan.
5.3 Is sharecropping associated with lower yields?
6.1Technology eases credit decisions
6.2 Value-at-risk: An approach to risk assessment
6.3 Trading without banks: Money surrogates in the Russian Federation
6.4 Shareholders' rights and enterprise efficiency in the Czech privatization
6.5 Deposit insurance and risk taking.
6.6 Better bank regulation in Argentina
7.1 The slow evolution of knowledge about climate change
7.2 Uncertainty, irreversibiliry, and the value of information
7.3 Public information for pollution control in Indonesia
7.4 Integrated pest management in Indonesia
7.5 Strengthening environmental management to boost performance.
7.6 Building on local knowledge to monitor and understand deforestation
7.7 Creating markets: The U.S. sulfur dioxide permit trading program n
7.8 Information and pollution control incentives from capital markets.n
7.9 Information, community pressure, and adoption of clean technology in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
7.10 Education and the mass media: A powerful combination
8.2 Trust and health services in Brazil's Cead State
8.3 Why are poor farmers slow to adopt new technologies?
8.4 Mutual insurance.

8.5 Addressing information problems to provide credit to the poor in southern India.
8.6 Delivering pensions to the poor in South Africa
9.1 Plow ahead or prune back? The challenges facing the CGIAR
9.2 Can contingent lending spur efforts toward an AIDS vaccine?
9.3 Knowledge and institutions for managing the environment
9.4 Maintaining roads by building institutions in Africa
9.5 The African Economic Research Consortium: A successful experiment in capacity building
9.6 Bilateral-multilateral cooperation to promote global knowledge sharing
9.7 Knowledge management at the World Bank
9.8 Sharing knowledge at One World Online
9.9 Knowledge partnerships for the environment


ISBN: 0-19-521118-9 pbk.