Population Studies A Journal of Demography
İÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTSFRANS VAN POPPEL, AART C. LIEFBROER, JEROEN K. VERMUNT and WILMA SMEENK FRANCESCO C. BILLARI Love, necessity and opportunity: Changing patterns of marital age homogamy in the Netherlands, 185O-1993 A log-logistic regression model for a transition rate with a starting threshold Involuntary childlessness and voluntary fertility control during the fertility transition: Evidence from men who graduated from an American college Do previous birth interval and maternal education influence infant survival? A Bayesian model averaging analysis of Chinese data The effects of ethnicity and educational attainment on Jewish marriage patterns: Changes in Israel. 1957-1995 Bridging the gap: Determining long-term changes in infant mortality in pre-registration England and Wales Self-selection and return migration: Israeli-born Jews returning home from the United States during the 1980s JOHN E. MURRAY and BRADLEY A. LAGGER MICHAEL MURPHY and DUOLAO WANG BARBARA S. OKUN CHRIS GALLEY and NICOLA SHELTON YINON COHEN and YITCHAK HABERFELD Book Reviews ![]() ![]() ![]() |