Child Labour Multi-Dimensional ProblemİÇİNDEKİLERCONTENTS
I Status of Child Labour - Historical Perspective, Cause, Magnitude, Consequences and Implications The Inhumanity of Child Labour - Tara Ali Baig
The Plight of Children in India - P. Lakshapathi
Child Labour, its Nature and Extent of Exploitation - K. V. Paddmakumari Child Labour in India, Nature, Causes and Eradication - Usha Kanhere Economic and Legal Aspects of Child Labour in India -Asha Rare Multi-Dimensional Problem of Child Labour and Multi-pronged Approach - Thrity Vasivani
Educational Deprivation of Children in the Work-Force - Amita Mehta Child Labour - Role of Voluntary Agencies and Trade Unions -Aruna Mehta
II Alleviation - Eradication Models Child Labour - An Alleviation cum Eradication Model based on a Study of Child Labour in Baroda City - Kamala Srinivasan
Alleviation Strategy for Occupational Stress of rural Working Children - Aravinda Chandra
III Empirical Studies on Child Labour with Varying Focus - Urban Setting Working Conditions and Environment of Child Labour and their Repercussions on Human Resource Development - Seema Dwivedi and
A Profile of Child Labour in some
Unorganized Sectors in Madras City and
Tamil Nadu State - Suahila Srivastava
and H. Shroff
A Study of Female Child Workers in
Baroda city - ASHA DASS
Educational and Legal Aspects of Working
Children - Ruplekha et al.
Cost Benefit Analysis of rearing Children as
perceived by Mothers in Low Income Group
Families of Urban slums of Baroda -
Savita Singal and Manecsha Shukul
IV Empirical Studies on Child Labour with
Varying Focus - Rural Setting
A Profile of Working Children in a Village
of Gujarat - S.B. Saxcna
Child Labour in the Rural Area of
Baroda District - Nalini Ogale
Child Labour among Tribals - Neera Bhatnagar
and Bhanu Patel
Child Labour in the Districts of Faridkot
and Ludhiana of Punjab State - M.K. Dhillon,
S.S. Miglani and M.K.. Virk