İÇİNDEKİLERContentsUseful Equivalents and Conversion Factors Conversion Table for Gases and Vapors 39 Occupational Carcinogenesis Herbert E. Stokinger, Ph.D. 40 The Halogens and the Nonmetals, Boron and Silicon Herbert E. Stokinger, Ph.D. 41 Alkaline Materials Ralph C. Wands 42 Fluorine-Containing Organic Compounds Domingo M. Aviado, M.D. and Marc S. Micozzi, M.D. 43 N-Nitrosamines Clyde Frank, Ph.D. and Clyde M. Berry, Ph.D. 44 Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines Rodney R. Beard, M.D., M.P.H. and Joseph T. Noe, M.D. 45 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Esther E. Sandmeyer, Ph.D. 46 Alicyclic Hydrocarbons Esther E. Sandmeyer, Ph.D. XII 47 Aromatic Hydrocarbons Esther E. Sandmeyer, Ph.D. 48 Halogenated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Containing Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine T. R. Torkelson, Sc.D. and V. K. Rowe, Sc.D. (hon.) 49 Halogenated Cyclic Hydrocarbons William B. Deichmann, Ph.D., M.D. (hon.) Subject Index Chemical Index Contents Volume 2A Useful Equivalents and Conversion Factors Conversion Tables for Gases and Vapors 28 Industrial Toxicology: Retrospect and Prospect John A. Zapp, Jr., Ph.D. 29 The Metals Herbert E. Stokinger, Ph.D. 30 Organic Sulfur Compounds Esther E. Sandmeyer, Ph.D. 31 Phosphorus, Selenium, and Tellurium Robert P. Beliles, Ph.D. 32 Epoxy Compounds Charles Hine, M.D., Ph.D., V. K. Rowe, Sc.D. (Hon.), E. R. White, Ph.D., K. I. Darmer, Jr., Ph.D., and G. T. Youngblood, Ph.D. 33 Esters Esther E. Sandmeyer, Ph.D., and Carroll |. Kirwin, Jr. 34 Aromatic Nitro and Amino Compounds Rodney R. Beard, M.D., M.P.H., and Joseph T. Noe, M.D. XIV 35 Ethers Carrol I |. Kirwin, |r., and Esther E. Sandmeyer, Ph.D. 36 Phenols and Phenolic Compounds William B. Deichmann, Ph.D., M.D. (Hon.i, and M. L. Kcplinger Ph.D. 37 Aldehydes and Acetals Michael |. Brabec, Ph.D. 38 Heterocyclic and Miscellaneous Nitrogen Compounds Charles F. Reinhardt, M.D., and Mavis R. Brittelli Subject Index Chemical Index NOTLAR3 RD REVISED EDITION |