İÇİNDEKİLERContributorsMARIO C. BATTIGELLI, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Division of Health Affairs, School of Medicine. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina ALBERT R. BEHNKE, Jr., M.D., Clinical Professor of Preventive Medicine, University of California. San Francisco Medical Center, retired Captain M.C., U.S. Navy CLYDE M. BERRY, Ph.D., Professor, College of Medicine, Institute of Agricultural Medicine, Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of Iowa, Oakdale. Iowa DONALD J. BIRMINGHAM, M.D , Professor and Chairman. Department of Dermatology and Syphi-lology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan WILLIAM A. BURGESS, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston. Massachusetts GEORGE D. CLAYTON, Chairman of the Board. Clayton Environmental Consultants, Inc., Soulhfirld. Michigan, and Fallbrook, California C. L. CROUCH, Director of Research, Illuminating Engineering Research Institute, New York. New York BERTRAM D. DINMAN, M.D., Medical Director, Aluminum Company of America. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania DARREL D. DOUGLAS, Leader, Respirator Research and Development Section. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico JOHN F. GAMBLE, Ph.D., ALFORD, Morgantown, West Virginia JOSEPH GRUMER, Consulting Chemist, formerly Supervisory Research Chemist, Fire and Explosion Pre-vention, Pittsburgh Mining and Research Center, Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior, Pitts-burgh, Pennsylvania PAUL D. HALLEY, Director, Environmental Health Services Division of Medical and Environmental Health Services Department, Standard Oil Company (Indiana), Chicago, Illinois ANGELA M. HYMAN, Ph.D., The Rockefeller University. New York, New York WILLIAM D. KELLEY, Deputy Director, Division of Biomedical and Behavioral Science, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Cincinnati, Ohio MORTON LIPPMANN, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Institute of Environmental Medicine, New York University Medical Center, New York, New York CONTRIBUTORS WILLIAM E. McCORMICK, Managing Director. American Industrial Hygiene- Association. Akron. Ohio PAUL L. MICHAEL, Ph.D., Professor, Environmental Acoustics. Pennsylvania State University. University Park, Pennsylvania JOHN E. MUTCHLER, formerly Director, Engineering Services, Clayton Environmental Consultants. Inc , Southfield, Michigan* FRANK A. PATTY, formerly Director. Industrial Hygiene Services, General Motors Corporation, retired. Yuma. Arizona LUCIAN E. RENES, formerly Director, Industrial Hygiene Services. Phillips Petroleum Corporation. Bar-tlesville. Oklahoma, Consultant, Fallbrook, California MAURICE A. SHAPIRO, Ph.D.. Professor. Environmental Health Engineering. U'niversity of Pittsburgh. Graduate School of Public Health. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ROBERT D. SOULE, formerly Director. Industrial Hygiene Services, Clayton Environmental Consultants. Inc. Southfield, Michigan ERWIN R. TICHAUER, Sc.D., Professor, New York University Medical Center, Division of Biomechanics. New York, New York AMOS TURK, Ph.D., Consulting Chemist, Danbury. Connecticut, and The City College. New York. New-York GEORGE M. WILKENING, Head, Environmental Health and Safety, Bell Laboratories, Murrav Hill. New Jersey PETER WOLKONSKY, M.D., Medical Director, Standard Oil Company (Indiana), Chicago Illinois GEORGE W. WRIGHT, M.D., Consultant, 460 South Marion Parkway, Denver, Colorado. Contents Useful Equivalents and Conversion Factors, xv Conversion Table for Gases and Vapors, xvi 1 Industrial Hygiene: Retrospect and Prospect Frank A. Patty 2 Legislation and Legislative Trends William E. McCormick 3 Industrial Hygiene Records and Reports Paul D. Halley and Peter Wolkonsky, M.D. 4 The Industrial Hygiene Survey and Personnel Lucian E. Renes 5 Epidemiology John F. Gamble, Ph.D. and Mario C. Battigelli, M.D. 6 The Mode of Entry and Action of Toxic Materials Bertram D. Dinman, M.D. 7 The Pulmonary Effects of Inhaled Inorganic Dust George W. Wright, M.D. 8 Occupational Dermatoses Donald J. Birmingham, M.D. xii 9 Physiological Effects of Abnormal Atmospheric Pressures Albert R. Behnke, Jr., M.D. 10 Industrial Noise and Conservation of Hearing Paul L. Michael, Ph.D. 11 Nonionizing Radiation George M. Wilkening 12 Ionizing Radiation George M. Wilkening 13 Lighting for Seeing C. L. Crouch 14 Air Pollution George D. Clayton 15 Agricultural Hazards Clyde M. Berry, Ph.D. 16 Odor Measurement and Control Amos Turk, Ph.D., and Angela M. Hyman, Ph.D. 17 Industrial Hygiene Sampling and Analysis Robert D. Soule 18 Industrial Hygiene Engineering Controls Robert D. Soule 19 Air Pollution Controls John E. Mutchler 20 Heat Stress: Its Effects, Measurement, and Control John E. Mutchler CONTENTS XIII 21 Respiratory Protective Devices 993 Darrel D. Douglas 22 Ergonomics 1059 Erwin R. Tichauer, Sc.D. 23 Potential Exposures in Industry-Their Recognition and Control 1149 William A. Burgess 24 Quality Control 1223 William D. Kelley 25 Calibration 1263 Morton Lippmann, Ph.D. 26 Industrial Sanitation 1333 Maurice A. Shapiro 27 Fire and Explosion Hazards of Combustible Gases, Vapors, and Dusts 1377 Joseph Grumer Index, 1445 NOTLAR3RD REVISED ED.![]() ![]() ![]() |